Christina Dodd’s DAUGHTER OF FAIR VERONA Events

Glamour! questions! cookies!

As you may have heard šŸ˜‰, on June 25 A DAUGHTER OF FAIR VERONA was published, so my travel consisted of bookstores (Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park, Seattle and The Poisoned Pen Bookstore, Scottsdale AZ) and ALA in San Diego (American Library Association conference), which was pretty pretty wonderful, too!

Pal, perennial New York Times bestseller, and proud owner of many pseudonyms, Jayne Ann Krentz, interviewed me at Ā Third Place Books. We were funny and fascinating, of course šŸ˜œ Ā Jayne is an accomplished interviewer and she answered an insightful audience question about story with such brilliance we all burst into applause!

We all had a roaring good time and both Jayne and I sold SO MANY BOOKS! We were thrilled. Thank you to everyone who came, everyone who ordered and everyone who reads. Next time, I hope to see you there, and yes, there are a few autographed copies from both of us. Call (206) 366-3333 or go online to order.

In San Diego, I met reader/librarians from across the country and the world (Croatia!) saw what was upcoming in our book world and whatā€™s hot now in the market–


— and signed 103 arcs in an hour. Itā€™s fascinating; when I’m at home, my hand hurts when I sign a lot of books, but when Iā€™m chatting with people, I donā€™t notice at all! ā¤ļø

I was also on a panel with three talented mystery authors. We talked about our books and when I said, ā€œThe daughter of Romeo and Juliet,ā€ the librarian audience gasped. That is so satisfying!

When I landed in Phoenix, it was dark. Think 11:30pm check in at the hotel. Luckily, I could sleep in the next morning, and I rose ready to face the 112 degree heat.

Okay, thatā€™s a lie. I was not ready, and even people in Arizona think 112 degrees is hot.

The Poisoned Pen Bookstore 2:oo pm autographing with historical authors Lianna de la Rosa and Dianne Freeman, moderated by bookseller and reviewer John Charles, was everything you want from an author discussionā€¦and the few readers who were there ate homemade cookies (OMG, pecan brown sugar and apricot oatmeal bars!) listened to us talk about writing, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.

ā€” The good news: the interview was recorded and broadcast on Facebook and YouTube!

ā€” The bad news: part way through the video froze and died. Patrick at the Poisoned Pen thinks it was the video card. I think the camera decided it was too hot to work.

ā€” The other good news: the audio is great, so you can watch part and listen to the rest.

ā€” The really, really good news: at the Poisoned Pen Bookstore, you pre-ordered three times the number of A DAUGHTER OF FAIR VERONA than of any other book Iā€™ve ever written! Thank you so much! Finding that out made me want to break dance.

ā€” More good news: I didnā€™t.

Order online, emailĀ or call (480) 947-2974 to order A DAUGHTER OF FAIR VERONA from the Poisoned Pen. Sadly, I’ve been told the autographed copies are sold out.

When you get your book, wherever you get it from, please tell your friends, take a photo on post it on your social media, and thoroughly enjoy Romeo and Juliet, their daughter Rosie, and the whole Montague family. ā¤ļø

Of course, the trip was everything that was glamorous! (kidding) Like when I couldnā€™t find my makeup sponge so I used an old blush brush to smooth my foundation and it spread black hairs all over my face. Some were long, some were tiny; you can imagine the grand time I spent staring into the magnifying mirror, picking them off and contemplating how, if I missed any, the readers would whisper that Christina needs to invest in waxing. šŸ™„

A DAUGHTER OF FAIR VERONA. the novel Kristin Hannah calls, “funny charming and absolutely delightful” is in your eager hands.


Are there more events? Oh, yes! (Hint: think #1 New York Times bestseller Susan Elizabeth Phillips on Facebook and YouTube.)

Join my Daughter of Montague newsletter friends for updates, exclusive excerpts, and truthful accounts of my travels (think the Toilet Paper story. Oh! And the banana armpit!)

Read an excerpt, reviews and listen to A DAUGHTER OF FAIR VERONA Ā audiobook clip! Which has created more fuss than any audiobook I’ve ever written. The voice actress is Suzy Jackson, and she’s fabulous as Rosie Montague!

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