Christina Dodd’s Verona

The Husband and I made our trip to Verona for two reasons: to celebrate our Magnificently Large and Significant Anniversary, and to do research for my upcoming historical fiction novel, A DAUGHTER OF FAIR VERONA starring Rosie Montague, the eldest daughter of Romeo and Juliet. As Rosie says, “Yes, that Romeo and Juliet. The one that Shakespeare wrote about. No, they didn’t die in the tomb. Rumors of their deaths were greatly exaggerated. In fact, they’re alive and well and the parents of seven kids. I’m the oldest, with the emphasis on ‘old’—a certified spinster at twenty, and happy to stay that way. It’s not easy to keep your taste for romance with parents like mine. Picture it—constant monologues, passionate declarations, fighting, making up, making out . . . it’s exhausting.”

Verona Sunrise from our hotel


Rosie might be cynical about romance. However, Verona was a great place for lovers who have lived together through good times and bad, for richer for poorer (at one point, so much poorer!) and all that stuff you promise at your wedding without having a clue what’s involved. The Husband and I had a marvelous time and in fact he came back planning our next trip.


True confession; this was at the top of Giotto’s Bell tower in Florence. We had climbed 414 stairs to canoodle. Yay, us!


The crypt where Romeo and Juliet were said to be married in Verona’s San Zeno Maggiore


We packed Italian translations of my historical romances and signed them to tour guides, restaurant owners, hotel desk staff, and winery owners who received them with gratifying enthusiasm!


Italian translations of Christina Dodd Historicals



Verona View

Because the Montagues grow grapes and make wine (in my mythology), we took a day long tour featuring three local wineries in the area. Great wines, wonderful foods and we learned a lot in an enjoyable way!



What a perfect day!


Figs and Salami


The churches in Verona were some of the most beautiful we’ve ever seen.

Chiesa di Santa Anastasia

We couldn’t go anywhere without reminders of Romeo and Juliet, and graceful balconies provide elegance and romance to every street.





Verona Piazza delle Erbes


View looking down at the Adige River and bridges


Verona Due Torre Hotel which got a big thumbs-up from us!


Fashion and beautiful people surrounded us in Verona. The window shopping was fabulous and the Italian people were lovely, kind, and very patient with my truly awful Italian.


Verona Ponte Pietra just after sunset

Yes, we will return to Verona again. I have five Daughter of Montague historical novels planned and more important, The Husband and I fell in love with this beautiful and welcoming small city.

Read an excerpt, the synopsis, and reviews on the A DAUGHTER OF FAIR VERONA website page.